Details of New Information


Report Emtic Court Nanborie IV Raise High-grade Hollow

"Esem Court Minamiborie IV Raise" in Minamihorie, Nishi-ku, Osaka.
High-quality horolows are used throughout the entrance and kitchen.

High-quality horolow with both strength and beauty.

・Cleansing dirt quickly and clean without smell.
・The surface is glassy to keep dirt and mold.
・Since the base is metal, it demonstrates strength against heat.
・Made of hard material, it is durable and hard to scratch.

It is also attractive that you can use magnets!
Put a note on the wall or put a magnet-type storage item.
You can customize it freely.

By all means, please experience it at the condominium gallery!

"I'm going to move in next spring."

■ Estheme Court Nanborie IV Raise Website

■ A 1-minute walk from the station
 Nishinagahori Building 2F, 12-23 Minamiborie, Nishi-ku, Osaka, Nishi-ku, Osaka

■ Click here for inquiries by phone.