Details of New Information


Notice New Year's Greetings for 2021

I would like to express my heartfelt congratulations to you.
Thank you very much for your patronage during the past year.

The Wise Group Concept
"Everything from Ye"-I'm always supporting your life. Yell for You。 ~

I want to enrich your life through various "koto = business" that expands from "Ye = housing development".
I want to continue supporting your life.

The thoughts of the Y’s Group as a whole will remain unchanged, and all of our employees will continue to be even more focused on this year.

We will strive to achieve even greater growth through relationships with customers and business partners.

We look forward to your continued patronage of the Wise Group this year.

2021 New Year's Day

Yell Create Co., Ltd.

 Norihito Nakada, CEO